Maybe a New Carpet Should Be Part of Your Spring Cleaning Plan
You might be knee deep in the spring cleaning process by now. From the inside to the outside of your home or business, it has all been put to the test this past winter. The dirt, grime, and debris of life builds up and there is no way around the annual ritual of spring cleaning (except to install a new carpet Rochester NY).
Do you ever schedule a steam cleaning treatment as part of your annual spring cleaning adventure? If so, maybe this is the year that you should invest in a new carpet, instead of just cleaning it. Steam cleaning takes a toll. It does clean the carpet, but years of use and harsh cleaning just wears it down. You can’t steam clean it forever and expect the same results. After enough years, investing in a new carpet is just the smarter choice.
This winter was particularly harsh on carpets. The amount of salt and snow that got tracked into every square inch of Rochester homes and businesses was unlike any other year. A run-of-the-mill steam cleaning treatment might not begin to take care of the abuse winter inflicted. The deep set stains, harsh grainy stones, and the constant wetting of the surface just wears a carpet down. This might be the best year and chance to rip it up and start anew.
The experts at Surface Design Solutions can come out and help you make the most out of the spring cleaning process this year. Let us help get that old, tired, beat down carpet from under your feet and give your home or business the fresh, clean, and affordable new look and feel it deserves.
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